After work at 7pm, I had my tenth and last swim lesson yesterday. I am just barely starting to acquire the basics of the swim technique, so it's too bad that I don't have any more lessons. Now the challenge will be to find a convenient, not too crowded not to expensive swimming pool to go to so I can keep practicing and lock in the learning. Everything I learned can easily be forgotten if I don't practice right away. I will also miss the constant feedback of the coach.
After the swim at around 8:30pm, I went to the track for some intervals.
I was catching up my aborted Sunday session. The workout was a 2 x (2 x 800 m) with 3 min recovery between reps and 10 min between sets.
This is a lot more recovery that I have used in previous 800 meter repeats but trying to tackle them at a 5:30 min/mi pace turned out to be more difficult than expected.
The goal was 2:45 per 800 meters. I started the first lap a bit slow and tried to catch up in the second lap to finish the rep in 2:46. Not bad, but I was quite winded after the last lap at faster than 5:30 pace. The 3 min turned out to be barely enough time to rest. I completed the second rep in 2:48.
The 10 minute rest really helped recover but as it turns out, the fatigue in the legs was still there as I started the 3rd set. I started the first lap of the 3rd rep way too fast. It felt easy at first, but after completing the first lap in 1:18, I started slowing down significantly. 3rd rep 2:50...
By the end of this rep I was exhausted and the 3 min recovery did little to help me recover. I completed the first lap of the 4th rep in 1:24 (almost on pace) but then completely exploded to finish it in 2:58.
Tom cleary beat me on this workout...Despite the conditions being perfect for me to run, I just could not be fast enough, giving the lead to Tom in the speedwork competition 2 / 1.
Somehow, I feel like I should have been able to perform better given the rest time. I remember recently doing 6 x 800m with a lot less recovery and doing each one in less than 3 min. The knee did not bother me too much so there are 2 explanations in my opinion:

1. I was still a bit tired from the week end's half.
2. I was coming from a swim workout and was getting a bit hungry and lacked energy
3. 5:30 pace is actually quite a bit faster than my near 6:00 pace I was using for the 800m repeat. Even with the extra recovery, this pushes my body to a new level

I believe the 3rd option is the biggest contributor to my perceived mediocre performance. And when I think of it this way, it is in fact really positive. I am actually doing the workouts that will help me go beyond my current level of performance.
More speed to come. I am going to try to run again tonight...

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