After yesterday's long run my legs are so sore that the planned speed run tonight is out of the question. Since I have a 5k race in 3 days (on Thanksgiving) I will probably not run until then. I think my body can use the rest given the poor results of the last few weeks.
Today (Monday) was Ironman registration day! I prepared everything in advance to register as soon as it opened. I had an atomic clock to be sure I had the exact right time, I had practiced other ironman registration forms to make sure I was familiar with them and be ready for the quick registration. Last year, this race filled up in 7 minutes So I made sure I could register in less than half that time.
At noon, within seconds of the registration opening, I was on the site, trying to select a general entry for myself. I clicked once, but nothing happened. After a few seconds, I clicked again. The page refreshed only to display a message that the event was full. WHAT!!?? Apparently this time it only took 15 - 20 seconds to fill up.
Needless to say, I was pretty upset. I have been waiting for this moment for a while, and even with the utmost state of readiness, I was unable to register.

After that, I tried to refresh the page several dozen times but to no avail.
I was not about to let this wreck my Ironman project though... I went to the website and after a bit of research I found an inaugural ES140 Virginia triathlon race (same distance as Ironman) that was still open (and cheaper).
Okay so it is not an Ironman branded race so I don't think this will be a qualifier for Kona, but honestly, I could care less. There is almost no chance of me qualifying for Kona in my first IM distance race anyway, and my goal is only to finish the race in this first attempt.
The only cons with this race is that it is on the East coast and it is a good 2 months earlier than IM Arizona. It will require, more organization to ship the bike and a tighter schedule to be ready in time...
I am now fully committed! It is a bit scary when I think about all the work I will have to do to get ready, but it is also very exciting to have a definite target set.

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