This Saturday I woke up at 6am to go to my last significant run before the Boston marathon.
The day before I had picked up my bib in the Salt Lake Running company store where I book a bunch of triathlon gear as well. The had some TYR carbon triathlon tops for 50 % off. I bought all the ones they had of my size!
This is what I wore to this race and it felt great. 
The race started with about 2 miles of uphill running (my weakness) so I decided to save my legs and not go too crazy in the part of the race. Off the starting mat I was in 15th pace, worked my way to 13th and during the climb, lost a few spots and ended up in 20-22nd pace on top of the hill.
Now things were going to change. I glanced at my watch to see that I had just tackled the first 2 miles in 15:30. Not too bad for uphill running, and I was not too winded. Downhill I pushed the pace to about 6 min per mile and slowly started to catch some runners.
One at a time I was passing back the runners that had passed me uphill.
Soon, I was entering the top 10. 
I had been following a runner since the beginning of the downhill portion slowly gaining ground on him and at about mile 6 I finally passed him. I stayed in the leadto mile 8.5. Unfortunately he passed me again and could not catch him on the finish line. I really need to work on that finish kick...
I ended finishing 7th overall out of about 350 runner which is not bad. Also I got my first age division win ever with a nice glass medal as a reward! SWEET!
This was my fastest running in a long time and my legs felt it. They were sore for days after this run. I definitely need to do more fast running. I am starting to lose focus there and lose speed.

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